Houle, Jason and Fenaba Addo. 2022. A Dream Defaulted: The Student Loan Crisis Among Black Borrowers.Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Journal Articles
Rhodes, Alec, Rachel Dwyer, and Jason Houle. 2024. “Debt Collection Pressure and Mental Health: Evidence from a Cohort of U.S. Young Adults.” Forthcoming, Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
Berger, Lonnie, Meta Brown, J. Michael Collins, Rachel Dwyer, Jason Houle, Stephanie Moulton, DavonNorris, and Matthew Pesavento. 2024. “Inequality in High-Cost Borrowing and Unemployment Insurance Generosity during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Nature Human Behaviour
Brantez, Jessica and Jason Houle. 2023. "Revisiting Durkheim: Social Integration and Suicide Clusters in U.S. Counties, 2006-2019." Society and Mental Health 14:19-112.
Boutcher, Steven, Jason Houle, Anna-Raup Kounovsky, and Carroll Serron. 2023. "A Faustian Bargain? Rethinking the Role of Debt in Law Students' Career Choices." 20:166-195 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies.
Lippert, Adam, Jason Houle, and Katrina Walsemann. 2022. “Student Debt and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among U.S. Adults in Early Mid-Life” American Journal of Preventative Medicine 63:151-159.
Frech, Adrianne, Jason Houle, and Dmitry Tumin. 2021. “Trajectories of Unsecured Debt and Health at Midlife.” Social Science & Medicine: Population Health, 15
Lindner, Andrew and Jason Houle. 2021. “Are All Politics National? County-Level Social Contexts and Inequality Remediation Attitudes, 2006 to 2012” Socius, 7:1-14.
Warner, Cody, Jason Houle, and Joshua Kaiser. 2021. “Criminal Justice Contact and Indebtedness in Young Adulthood: Examining the Role of State Hidden Sentence Policies” Social Currents, 8:203-228.
Friedman, Esther M, Jason Houle, Kate Cagney, Mary Slaughter, and Regina Shih. 2021. “The U.S. Housing Crisis, Community Change, and the Cognitive Health of Older Adults.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 76:956-967.
Warner, Cody, Joshua Kaiser, and Jason Houle. 2020. “Locked out of the Labor Market? State-level Hidden Sentences and the Labor Market Outcomes of Formerly Incarcerated Young Adults.” The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 6:132-151.
Sun, Amy Ruining and Jason Houle. 2020. “Trajectories of Debt Across the Life Course and Mental Health at Mid Life.” Society and Mental Health, 10:61-79.
Berger, Lawrence and Jason Houle. 2019. “Household Debt and Child Development Trajectories.” Demography, 56:1273-1301.
Mackenzie, Todd, Jason Houle, Steven Jiang, and Tracy Onega. 2019. “Middle-aged Death and Taxes in the USA: Association of State Tax Burden and Expenditure in 2005 with Survival from 2006 to 2015.” PLOS One 14(4):e0214463.
Houle, Jason and Fenaba Addo. 2019 "Racial Disparities in Student Debt and the Reproduction of the Fragile Black Middle Class." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 5:562-577.
Addo, Fenaba, Jason Houle, and Sharon Sassler. 2018. "The Changing Nature of the Association Between Student Loan Debt and Marital Behavior in Young Adulthood" Journal of Family and Economic Issues 40:86-101.
Warner, Cody and Jason Houle. 2018. “Precocious Life Course Transitions, Exits From, and Returns to the Parental Home.” Advances in Life Course Research 35:1-10.
Houle, Jason* and Michael T. Light*. 2017. “The Harder They Fall? Race and Sex Specific Suicide Rates in the Foreclosure Crisis.” Social Science & Medicine 180:114-124. *authors contributed equally to the manuscript
Houle, Jason and Lonnie Berger. 2017. “Children with Disabilities and Trajectories of Parents’ Consumer Debt Across the Life Course.” Social Science Research 64:184-196
Houle, Jason and Cody Warner. 2017. “Into the Red and Back to the Nest? Student Debt, College Completion, and Returning to the Parental Home among Young Adults.” Sociology of Education 90:89-108.
Addo, Fenaba, Jason Houle and Daniel Simon. 2016 “Young, Black, and (Still) in the Red: Parental Wealth, Race, and Student Loan Debt.” Race and Social Problems 8:64-76.
Lonnie Berger and Jason Houle. 2016. “Parental Debt and Child Well-being.” Pediatrics 137:1-8.
Houle, Jason and Lonnie Berger. 2015 “Is Student Loan Debt Discouraging Home Buying Among Young Adults?” 89:589-621, Social Service Review
Houle, Jason and Lonnie Berger. 2015. "The End of The American Dream? Student Loan Debt and Home Ownership Among Young Adults." Policy Paper, Third Way.
Houle, Jason, J Michael Collins, and Max Schmeiser. 2015. “Flu and Finances: Influenza Outbreaks and Loan Defaults in U.S. Cities, 2004-2012” 105:e75-e80, American Journal of Public Health
Houle, Jason* and Danya Keene*. 2015. “Getting Sick and Falling Behind: Health and The Risk of Mortgage Default and Home Foreclosure” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 69:382-387. *authors contributed equally to the manuscript
Houle, Jason. 2015. “Out of the Nest and Into the Red: The Dynamics of Debt in Young Adulthood.” Pp. 17-30 in Owned, D Hartmann and C Uggen, eds. New York: WW Norton (also appears at The Society Pages).
Houle, Jason. 2014. “Mental Health in the Foreclosure Crisis” Social Science & Medicine 118:1-8.
Houle, Jason. 2014. “A Generation Indebted: Young Adult Debt Across Three Cohorts” Social Problems 61:448-465.
Houle, Jason and Michael Light. 2014. “The Home Foreclosure Crisis and Rising Suicide Rates, 2005-2010.” American Journal of Public Health 104:1073-1079.
Houle, Jason. 2014. “Disparities in Debt: Parents’ Socioeconomic Status and Young Adult Student Loan Debt.” Sociology of Education 87:53-69
Blackstone, Amy, Jason Houle, and Christopher Uggen. 2014. “‘At the Time, I Thought it was Great:’ Age, Experience, and Workers’ Perceptions of Sexual Harassment.” Sociological Spectrum 34:314-337.
Frisco, Michelle, Jason Houle, and Adam Lippert. 2013. “Weight Change and Depression Among US Young Women During the Transition to Adulthood.” American Journal of Epidemiology 178:22-30.
Barkan, Steven, Michael Roque, and Jason Houle. 2013. "State and Regional Suicide Rates: A New Look at an Old Puzzle." Sociological Perspectives 56:287-297.
Houle, Jason. 2013. “Depressive Symptoms and All-Cause Mortality in a Longitudinal Nationally Representative Sample with Time-Varying Covariates.” Psychosomatic Medicine 75:297-304
Houle, Jason, Jeremy Staff, Jeylan Mortimer, Christopher Uggen, and Amy Blackstone. 2011. “The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Depressive Symptoms During the Early Occupational Career.” Society and Mental Health 1:89-105.
Houle, Jason, and Molly Martin. 2011. “Does Intergenerational Mobility Shape Individual Psychology? Sorokin Revisited.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29:193-203.
Houle, Jason. 2011. “The Psychological Impact of Intragenerational Social Class Mobility.” Social Science Research 40:757-772
Houle, Jason*, Michelle Frisco*, and Molly Martin. 2010. “The Image in the Mirror and the Number on the Scale: Weight, Weight Perceptions, and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51:215-228 (*authors contributed equally to the manuscript)
Frisco, Michelle, Jason Houle, and Molly Martin. 2009. “Adolescent Body Mass Index & Psychological Distress: For Whom is Weight a Burden?” Social Science Quarterly 90:1019-1038.